Tweed Magazine was a music and politics zine founded by angsty teenagers in 1997. It survived in one form or another until 2007. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Here are some of our most popular articles.

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Brooklyn NY

  • 5:29:53 am
  • Tuesday
  • 22 October 2024

New ‘SSSCA’ Law Will End E-Freedom

The proposed SSSCA law will require ALL electronics manufactures to include government mandated copy-protection systems.

This follow up to 1998's DMCA law will make it illegal to produce, buy, or sell a computer, (or any other device containing a microprocessor), that does not conform to the anti-piracy standard. All hardware and software will be wired to prevent actions such as CD/DVD copying, file trading, encryption/watermark analysis, and SSSCA circumvention research.

The SSSCA, Security Systems Standards and Certification Act , was created by a consortium of content providers, such as Disney, who see file trading as a threat to their finances. The new law will make one act of such trading a punishable by 5 years imprisonment and a $500,000 fine. Using operating systems that do not support the SSSCA, (such as Linux), or removing the ‘policeware’ will be treated in the same manor. The larger scope of this law will make it illegal to question or critique encryption and security systems. Success of this law will mean the death of the internet as we know it.

Use this directory to find the email addresses of your local congressmen. Content providing corporations have no right to dictate the severe limitation of technology that is being proposed. For more information on the SSSCA click here.

Stewart Smith
Saturday, 12 January 2002

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2024-10-22 05:29:53
Emily Haines, congress, Maura Davis, America, America, Tweed Magazine, congress, Regina Spektor, Sub Pop Records, Saudi Arabia, End report.